Friday 3 August 2012


Pheww~ just finish taking my first class test here in glasgow itself. not as what i'm expecting. suasananya agak berlainan dengan IMU..i'm starting to miss IMU more..ini la orang kata time ade tak nk bersyukur..time da hilang baru nak rindu2 plak kan..*sigh* Tapi takpe, anggapla ia sebagai satu pengalaman..;)

so what happened these past few days?disaster!!..i just finish reading the whole book by 1pm tadi when the class test was actually started at 2.30pm..kekeke~..tapi alhamdulillah..dengan izin Allah, dapat jugak jawab paper tadi..walaupon ade 1 2 soalan yang macam..hurmmm..nk tak nk je jawab sbb tak tahu nk tackle camne..teruk kan?i know..this is me..i wonder jugak camne bley survive blaja baru class blum lagi..but it yet to come..more specifically next week!..

This summer's short sem memang sangat horror..jadual da 2 3 kali kena rombak n tup2 tetibe final jatuhnya minggu depan..lepas final satu paper ade class test plak utk subject len..kinda a bit all around the place kan? tak tahu la..berterabur life pon apa kurangnya..berterabur..baru je nak sit for class test, bilik da macam tongkang pecah..buku merata2 sampai atas katil pon ade buku..tido dengan buku dengan highlighter semua.. last night i slept while holding one of the highlighter rasenye..sampai ke pagi tak tutup highlighter  tuh..chronic kan..habesnya cadar yang kena highlight bukan buku..(>.<)

this morning before class test we had a Responding to symptoms lab session, where we act as a pharmacist and dispense medicines based on the patients symptoms.. ala2 macam diagnosed the patient condition and then decide what's the best approach for him/her..i kinda like this session sebab kelakar..u were being recorded and when the video playback time tu yang seronok, watching yourself kat dalam video tu..masa tu la dapat tengok gelagat sendiri berkomunikasi dgn orang..hehehe but~ when u are actually stepping inside the room doing the diagnosis berdebar2 kot jantung..nerves2..sebabnye takut tersalah diagnosis apebende yg orang tu sakit..lagila harunya kalo patient tu adalah on certain medication, then u only have a limited choice of drug yang boleh kasik kat that patient. complicated kan..

During the feedback session, we were mark individually..although its just a practice not the real exam, we were given marks n feedback.. ape yang menarik pasal cikgu2 kat cni ialah diaorang ni sangat2 la encouraging.. they always give good feedback although you know you are lacking of something or even if you feel like its the end of the world sebb tersalah bagi ubat ke ape, they still praise u for something good you did like your spirit ke ape ke..that's sangat bagus sebenarnye sbb it will boost up your confidence level..tak ke?at least i felt that way..hehe..and you'll feel much more comfortable and confident during the next session.

hurm..tu la pengalaman hari ni..and arini diri sendiri tak berape nk sehat mungkin sbb beberapa malam ni tido tak betol..always tak sempt nk turn off lampu..tido dgn lampu terbukak sampai pagi..bad~for your health tau tido bukak lampu nii..nt immune system badan lemah..this is what my form 4 science teacher cakap la..tak tahu la it will affect everyone ke tak but me, yup, i cannot tido bukak lampu ni..nanti sakit right now..tido bangun tido bangun sebab tak tutup lampu...huhu..

hopefully all will go well next week. next week da start final!!..dengan class test..isnin rabu jumaat minggu depan are the days which akan jawab kertas peperiksaan..ape2 pon jom berusehe dengan sebaik mungkin..semoga dipermudahkan Allah segala urusan..amin~ ;D
goodluck to all my batch mates esp my housemates semua..all the best..^^

Alright then, till we meet again..