Tuesday 19 June 2012

My bank card is here!

Semalam kelas cam bese 9-12pm..tutorial 1-1.30pm..tak penat sangat and sgt banyak waktu lapang...igtkan nk ikut peah ngn yana pegi Aldi bli strawberry tapi~..tak jadi..huhu..terpakse pegi arini pas kelas.. After tutorial smlm, the four of us headed to the village office.. Village Office (VO) ni ala2 pejabat asrama la..sume urusan2 yang berkaitan dengan our accommodations ,sume boleh refer kat cni..even kalo duet dobi kena telan ngn mesin dobi tu pon boleh claim kat cni balik..hebat tak..huhu..so, all our letters, packages or mende2 len kecuali parcel akan dihantar kat situ..

Earlier yesterday morning, we received a notice from VO to collect some kinda envelope. tu yang pegi VO after tutorial tu..and guess what..the letter from the bank sampai..yeay!!..aritu ktorang apply utk bank card ..arini baru sampai..agak lambat kan?..kalo kat malaysia aritu jugak boleh siap..mungkin for some reasons their procedure memang macam tu..in fact, other banks like The Royal Bank of Scotland and The Bank of scotland pon seems to be following the same procedure..rasenye la sebab lots of our batch mates pon seems to be collecting the letter from the bank..most of them open their account with RBS but ours,we prefer Lloyds TSB..^^

                                                                   My bank card ..

What amaze me the most is kat sini, the bank card as well as the pin num are delivered to your address in separate envelope one following the other..and of course bank card tu sampai dulu..mungkin esok atau luse no pin utk kad tu akan sampai..hurmm..bank card pon bley wat delivery eh...sgt advanced org kat cni..hee..

Disebabkan cuaca yang sgt sejuk smlm (wlupon hari2 pon sejuk)..jadi menghabeskan mase ddk mengadap laptop tgk anime..hehe..(walaupon spttnye kn tgk prescription kan tapi~..(>.<) ) ..sambil2 tgk anime tu sambil2 jugak tgk burung lalu tepi tingkap..hee..kengkadang terkejut jugak..apemende la yang lalu tadi..da la laju..macam tren lalu pon ade..err..mgkin ayat tu sgt hyperbola..hehe..even so..selalunye macam tu la..satu dua burung singgah lalu tepi tingkap tapi smlm macam bukan 1 2 ekor..berekor2 rasenye..sgt gembire dorang terbang2.. ape2 pon..yesterday was quite a nice day..but today is nicer!..sangat sunny!..<3

spot the birds?..sgt kecik..nmpk sekor je kt gambr nih.
Arini bley nampak langit biru and the clouds were so nice!..semua pon cantek*gayasengyang*..haha..seng yang is one of our batch mates..die suke ckp ayat tu kat ktorang...sebabnye?..die tak penah nak igt name2 ktorang ni..jadi..ktorang pon dpt la name baru..cantek1..cantek2 cantek3..tpnye hari2 pon bertukar2..sape cantek 1 sape cantek 2..kejap2 fatimah..suraya..mane die dpt name2 tu pon tak tau la..haha..but recently da ok la..da bley recognize us a bit..congrats seng yang..hee..

see the clouds??..
                                                             Awan macam kapas..

                                                     Otw nk pegi Aldi

So~,arini berjaya carik strawberry kat aldi..pas pegi kedai photostate.. kat cni kedai photostate is a bit different dari kdi photostate kt malaysia..u need to make a copy by yourself..tak tau la sume kedai pon cmtu tapi setakat yg ktorang pegi ni la..kena wat sendiri..then,byr kt kaunter..one copy = 7p..ok la kot hargenye.

.                                  Diana depan Aldi..die nk promote brocolli tuh..hehe

                                                        My strawberry!..

Hurmm..tu je kot rasenye..till meet again..

Les Adieux~ (^^)/

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