Sunday 17 June 2012

George square to People's palace?

Hari ni rase sangat malas nk keluar sebb keje lab tak siap lagi. Plus pagi tadi bangun pon agak lambat sebab tdo pon sgt lambt~..Hand phone plak wat should i know android 2.1 is much more inconvenient than android v.2.2..there's a very significant gap between those 2 and you cannot suka2 je upgrade to the latest version cause it won't  let u to..jadinye sebahagian pagi tadi dihabeskan utk phone sahaja.. the problem is my memory card is 8gb tapi all those apps that've been downloaded from the android market semua msk lam phone storage and bukan memory card..mane la hp tu tak bleep2 cakap low storage..then,terpakse la cari for the solution..godek2 hp je da berejam..buku ke mana BNF ke mane..T.T..what a morning..

then tengahhari time makan2 ngn dak rumah..dorang kate nk keluar jalan2..memula rase macam tak nk ikut tapi kalo fikir2 balik, am i really gonna do my homework while they're strolling the street? realistic,disebabkan da knl diri sendiri for the past 23 tahun..rasenye macam tak..n macam best jalan2..cuaca agak cerah harini n tak sehujan semalam...sehujan?..Oh My Ayat!..haha..gediks!..XD

Enough of the nonsense..kesimpulannye ktorang keluar  rumah around 4pm..hari ni ahad..most of the stores closed at,plannye: nak jalan ikut kaki..haha..but then with one hala the people's tempat tu People's palace and Winter garden.. name gah bukan men kan..that's what we have in mind..nak pegi sane tapi tau2 je la..last minute nye decision..dgn tak tau jalan nye..peta ntah ke mane..memang miracle la kalo sampai..

Tgh jalan2 ikut kaki ni, sampai la kat George's Square..the only dataran merah kat UK..and its situated in glasgow..cantik gak la..orang kate one of the tourist spot..ktorang tangkap2 gambr kat sane and there's also The Olympic ring!..ramai btol org nk tangkap gmbr kat kinda like taking ke..tapi yg penting ktorng la yg conquer olympic ring tuh..bese la..dak2 rumah ni mmg suke kemo2 nih..haha..

                                              olympic ring kat george's square

                                                    George's Square

                             Ni kat George's square gak..tak tau bangunan ape kt blakang tuh

                                          Glasgow tour day i wish to hop in..hee..

Moving on..kitorang smpy la kat city..kat city ni la tempat2 shopping sume..tadi kate nk pegi people's palace kan?..well,guess what..tak jumpe jalan..ntah ke mane2 sesat,jalan2 je la..pastu masyitah ngn peah nk pegi bridge yg ktorang pegi aritu..on the way, terjumpa kedai fast food yang ade word 'halal'..excited!!..jual burger halal!..terpakse masuk n take away..haha..burger die agak besar n the guy who took our order is kinda cute,hensem yana yg cakap..XD

Oh!lupe nk cakap, while we were strolling along the street, ktorang terjumpe a group of guy performing musical instrument..classic instruments!..mende yang pipe2 tu..hee..guys in skirt (kilt) playing bagpipes.. sgt tradisional..well,tu dorang nye customs?ye ke customs..more like heritage kot kan..but sgt die..ermmm..hee..len orang len taste..pe2 pon..ce dengar kt bawah ni..;D

                                          The awesome the kilts?..;D
the musical..try listen to it..;)

           Glagow Royal Concert direction penah wat concert kat cni rasenye..huhu

pastu..ktorang pegi bridge and acroos the bridge tu ade macam town..bak kate diri yang macam abandoned..T.T..menakutkan..for me la..tapi sebenarnye ade je org kat ctu cume thats the kind of feeling that i get nk cepat2 patah blk..huhu...mungkin disebabkn tak ade byk tmpt menarek sgt kat ctu so ktorang tak spend byk sgt mase kat sane..lebih kurang less than half an hour..

                                   bridge yang menyambungkan city ngn the other town..huhu
                                                    This is the takde org kan..><

then, cross the bridge again..makan~and  balik..ktorang mkn kat bench berhampiran ngn bridge tuh..there's lots n lots of birds kat ctu!..even bird yg macam itik tu pon ade..hmm

                                        pak cik ni sgt bek hati..die bagi burung2 tu makan..

                                                  Ni kot rasenye..

so..itu sahaja entry utk arini..mungkin suatu hari nt bley smpy people's palace n winter garden tuh...mungkin perlu pegi time winter baru cantek garden tu..ntah..let's the future decide..camne tuh?..;p

ja ne~..(^^)/

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