Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Friends over family.

Me gonna graduate tomorrow!.Yeay!!.. The moment the robe and the hood passed to me in the university centre, i felt that tingling excitement all over. Cant believe all those 4 years of learning was over and i'd be only one steps away of becoming a pharmacist! something that i never dream of when i was young, oopss..young-ER actually..hihi..

So, pre-graduation photoshoot took place this evening. WHY did i joined the photoshoot was the sole question that've been inside my head all the time during the photoshoot. i even cried inside. What the hell was i doing. All with their own families and taking pictures. i even wish i was invisible. Me holding my own camera, unable to call my friend's name to ask them to take my picture. Stood still pretending to be busy.***cried***..oh my..pathetic! i even felt sorry for myself. uh-huh..

I don't know how to face tomorrow. i'm so gonna go shopping therapy after graduation tomorrow. I'm not gonna bother taking too much pictures cause no one even care. i really hate this self-sorry feeling..omggg..

Friends over family? i'm so gonna kill myself if i ever did that. No one should prioritized friends over their family, so, i understand why i'm being left alone.*being so emotional i dont know what to feel anymore*

Sigh. i'm pouring this heartbroken feeling of mine into an entry.
To those who are graduating, Happy graduating peeps! To those who aren't, no rush, you gonna one day. ;)


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